Terrell Chestnut: NFL DB Talks with Todd Durkin

Terrell Chestnut

Some of the best stories I have are about people you may have never heard of. This is probably the case of my story today. Yes, he is an NFL player. But he’s not a “superstar.” Well, actually he is. He has overcome foster care. He has overcome his brother dying when he was just […]

How Committed Are You?

Yes, December 26 is Boxing Day in many parts of the world. It is celebrated primarily in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Boxing Day started in the UK about 800 years ago, during the Middle Ages. It was the day when the alms box, collection boxes for the poor often kept in […]

Holiday Stress or Holiday Spirit? 10 Tips for Survival

It’s the holidays and what a wonderful time of the year it is!!! Or is it? People get stressed… They get off their routines… They often feel like they have to overextend and “outdo” themselves… Their workouts go to the pits… or they just don’t do them… Nutrition goes to hell… cookies, desserts, and alcohol […]

My top secret to success in business

One of my mentors in life and business is Wayne Cotton. Wayne has taught me many valuable lessons in our 15-year friendship. One of the most important is how to organize and plan my time to create maximum results for time freedom and money freedom. Many years ago, Wayne taught me to color-code my calendar […]

My Fitness Journey: Meg Patten

A yellow post-it note in my bathroom reads, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” reminding me that even the longest and most lofty goals must begin somewhere. My fitness journey, however, began with a single jump.  I was a young bright-eyed 17-year-old, ready to take on the world when it […]


By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS For many years, I’ve been deeply entrenched in studying success. I’m engrossed by it. I want to know what the best of the best in any field does to be at the top of their game. Athletes, doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, fitness professionals. You name it. One of the common […]

Beating Childhood Obesity: The High Performance Household

Beating Childhood Obesity: The High Performance Household Brett Klika C.S.C.S. We all know there’s a problem.  The percentage of kids that are overweight and unhealthy is growing at a disturbing rate.  Most barometers of public health estimate that within 5 years, the childhood obesity rate will reach 30%. That implies that 1 out of 3 […]

ADAPT & INSPIRE…a workout with Alana Nichols

By: Larry Indiviglia, Director of Todd Durkin Mastermind Programs It’s Tuesday October 2nd, 2012 at the 3rd Annual ESPN Women and Sports Summit at the beautiful Ritz Carlton Hotel in Dove Mountain, Tucson, Arizona. I am getting ready to assist Todd Durkin and the Under Armour TEAM with Todd’s SWEAT class for about 40 motivated […]

Are You Willing

Matt Brown, Fitness Quest 10 Trainer You are trying your best to achieve your goal. However progress is eluding you. The harder you try the further you get from your health improving, your muscle increasing, and you achieving your long desired physique change. Perhaps you stumbled once in your thought that you had come across […]

TD’s Top 32 Reads of All-Time

“TD’s Top 32 Reads of All-Time” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Today, I want to answer another very simple question that came up recently. And it comes up often from many different people: “What are the top books you have read on business & leadership and would recommend that we read?” And instead of just […]